Wednesday, July 15, 2009


When I think the word "summer," I think of watermelon, swimming pools, ice cream, flip flop sandals and reading summer programs...

One hot, summer day, I was walking along in my flip-flops, reading my newest book of spells for the local Muggle library's summer reading program (though I had to come up with an alternative title, of course...), when I stepped in an ice cream cone a child had dropped! Making sure no Muggles were nearby, I used "scourgify" to cleanse my foot and continued on. Suddenly, without warning, someone snuck up behind me and turned me into a watermelon! Before I knew it, I was thrown into a swimming pool, and sinking fast! Sadly, no lifeguard thinks to save a drowning watermelon...and then I woke up. Couldn't you tell it was a dream? I mean really, why would I be reading a spell book in broad daylight? ;)

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